Thursday, December 21, 2006

A new ever-green couple

Tr. Nabeel got inducted into the Round Table movement on . The induction was done by Chairman Tr. Joseph Isaac. Also seen in the picture are the secretary Tr. Sudhir and Nabeel’s proposer Tr. Manoj Chacko.

Nabeel is currently the youngest Tabler in our fold. A Chemical Engineer, Nabeel is currently working with US Technology resources as a senior software engineer. He currently holds the title of ‘Mr. Technopark’.

A native of Cherupulasseri in Palakkad, Nabeel did his schooling in the Indian School in Kuwait. His hobbies include soccer, music, dancing and public speaking. Nabeel has performed music and dance for various television programs and is also the charter vice president of the Trivandrum Toastmasters club.

Nabeel is married to Shanima and the couple today stand as a threat to our evergreen dancing couple – Suhas and Gayathri. Standby for competition results…